Five EQ Tips for Live Sound
EQ lets you correct problems and enhance the sound, making your mix cohesive.
EQ For An Acoustic Guitar
I’m behind the mixer and the pastor starts strumming a familiar sound. He starts singing and I KNOW I’ve heard the song before. I can’t...
How to Remove Audio Feedback through Equalization
Use your EQ controls for knocking down those feedback frequencies. Not all feedback is eliminated in the same way. Have you ever had...
How to EQ Speech for Maximum Intelligibility in Church
Haven’t we all had stories of misheard words? It could have been a song lyric or you misheard your spouse? Maybe they mumbled a word or...
EQ Vocals: The Five Primary Areas of Modification
Let start off with the basic vocal eq settings and the details behind them. Then, let’s dig deeper. General: Roll off below 60Hz using a...